
N.C. DOT Investing in University Drone Program

The North Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT) plans to invest $2 million over the next two years into a new University Transportation Center of Excellence for Advanced Air Mobility and Unmanned Aircraft Systems.

The DOT selected North Carolina State Agricultural and Technical Institute to lead the center’s research in “multimodal transportation, emergency response, regional air mobility, and preparing the infrastructure and workforce needed to make new aviation technologies a success.”

Abdollah Homaifar, a professor in N.C. A&T’s college of engineering, will spearhead the new transportation center.

“Our research will not only position North Carolina at the forefront of advanced air mobility and UAS advancements, but also create pathways for students to develop the skills and expertise needed for careers in the transformative industry,” Homaifar said.

In addition to his work at N.C. A&T, Homaifar also serves as director of the Autonomous Control and Information Technology Institute, director of Testing, Evaluation and Control of Heterogenous Large-Scale Systems of Autonomous Vehicles and the principal investigator of the NASA University Leadership Initiative Safe Assured Autonomy.

The new center’s research aims to improve the state’s emergency response capabilities, increase connection between ground and air transport, and spur economic growth.

Researchers at N.C. A&T will contribute to developing a simulation platform aimed at increasing connectivity between ground and air transport.

The team at N.C. A&T is being joined by researchers from North Carolina State University and Elizabeth City State University who will focus on developing emergency response technologies rural areas of the state.

Key industry partners included in the project are Boeing, AeroX, Crown Consulting, FLYABOUT Strategies, AirDex, and RAVEN Advisory.

“Research leadership in air mobility and transportation is crucial given the importance of access in today’s world,” said Stephanie Luster-Teasley Pass, dean of N.C. A&T’s college of engineering.

“Our faculty and students are dedicated to finding solutions that enhance aviation technologies, focusing on improving safety, accessibility, and autonomous transportation,” she said.